Lots of people get a tattoo on impulse without thinking the process through. That is not always a good idea for something so permanent. Tattoos are excellent expressions of special times in your life or special people. Just think it through and decide if the sentiment for today is one that you honestly want to carry around for a lifetime.
First Tattoo Guide by Liza Remington
Lots of people get a tattoo on impulse without thinking the process through. That is not always a good idea for something so permanent. Tattoos are excellent expressions of special times in your life or special people. Just think it through and decide if the sentiment for today is one that you honestly want to carry around for a lifetime.
Your next decision is to select your real estate. Where on your body will your tattoo be placed. You need to decide whether this tattoo is supposed to be visible for the public or just for you.
Tattoos placed in areas where the skin is just going to hurt more than in areas where there is more muscle or fat. Decide on your pain tolerance level before you start the process. Your artist may be able to deliver a few small skin tests to determine if your pain tolerance for that particular location is acceptable. Areas with thinner skin include ankles, head, chest and lower back. Areas where pain may not be as intense include arms, legs, shoulders and your rear end.
Liza Remington has study many different tatoos and how to incorporate them into your body art. You can see more here: OogleTatto.com
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