Thursday, November 26, 2009

location favourite

The position tatto behind was female pleasure especially the picture of the fairy who he said increased the element of the enjoyment of sex

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Women’s Tattoo Locations

  • Lower back: lower back female tattoos are very popular for several reasons. First, it's a very feminine and sexy spot to have a tattoo. It doesn't usually show, but can be ‘flashed’ as the woman bends over. Catching a glimpse of a lower back tattoo on a woman, you almost get the feeling that you’re seeing something you shouldn't be – very tantalizing!

Female lower back tattoo

Lately, lower back tattoos are called "tramp stamps" by some because so many women and girls have a tattoo there. Don't let this put you off though, if you think your lower back is the perfect place for your tattoo, then by all means, go ahead. Getting a lower back tattoo because it is fashionable is not a very good idea though.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Small Female Tattoos

Many women are physically smaller and more delicately built than men and in general, we consider smaller, more delicate things more feminine. That’s why tattoos for women are generally smaller and prettier than male tattoos.

Feminine tattoos

Woman with a full sleeve tattoo

It is rare, though not unheard of, for a woman to have a full sleeve tattoo that covers much of her arm., but usually feminine tattoos are more likely to be isolated in one or two areas of the body – as accent pieces, so to speak.

Women’s tattoo designs are also less heavy, less aggressive looking compared to men's tattoos. They tend to have thinner lines, though this is, of course, a generalization rather than a rule.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Women Fanning In Tattoo Art Japanese Design's

Tattoo Art Japanese design With Fan Picture

Tattoo Art Japanese Design With Women Fanning

Tattoo Art Japanese Design With Women Fanning On Breast

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Amazing Asian Tattoo Art On Perfect Placement

Asian Tattoo Art On Lower Back

Asian Tattoo Art In Pelvic Area